Summer Kick Off

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Summer has finally arrived here on the Oregon Coast! These are exciting days in the Stone household as we are expecting the newest addition to the Waterfront Depot family any day now! With Father's Day coming this weekend I'm thinking a Father's Day baby would be perfect. Elizabeth on the other hand has had just about enough of being large and pregnant and I'm sure she would have preferred a Mother's Day birth date. All 5 of the other kids are convinced this new baby will be a boy, but I'm not so convinced. I'll be sure to include an update with cute new baby pictures next month!

I wanted to use this newsletter to highlight a few new items we've been featuring at the Depot lately.  We hope you'll make time this summer to come in and give them a try!  As you know, the tables fill up fast this time of year so it's never too early to call and make your reservation.

Bill has put together a great list of specialty cocktails to kick off the summer. Be sure to check back in July to see what creations come from the strawberry balsamic shrub he has been working on, using our delicious fresh local strawberries.

We've added a flourless chocolate torte for all of you chocolate lovers! We've heard this torte described as a knock-out chocolate punch in an unassuming delivery.  Delicious and gluten free!